Reservations are only available on days when the Prayer Room is open. Currently, we have two individual rooms (1 person) and two small rooms (2-5 people) available to reserve for 1-hour windows. You will be able to select multiple time slots upon reservation.

+ What does reserving a retreat room cost?

Retreat Rooms are a donation-based amenity for our city. Suggested amounts are $5/hour for individual and small rooms and $20/hour for medium and large rooms. If you would like to donate, click here.

+ Can I work remotely or host meetings inside a retreat room?

No - Retreat Rooms are reserved for personal or group prayer, Bible study, and other minstry purposes.

+ Are food and drinks allowed in Retreat Rooms?

Food is not allowed in the Retreat Rooms. Feel free to eat in the downstairs corridors. Beverages must have sealed lids.

+ Can I play music on a speaker or bring my instruments?

No - Due to the Prayer Room being open just outside our Retreat Rooms, we don't want any distracting noise coming from Retreat Rooms.

+ Will I disrupt others if I pray out loud?

Normal speaking volume should be fine - but please refrain from praying loudly, as sound will easily bleed into other Retreat Rooms and the Prayer Room.

+ Can I participate in the Prayer Room during my reservation time?

Yes! You are welcome to leave your door open or come downstairs and join the Prayer Room at any time during your reservation.

+ Can I reserve a Retreat Room on a recurring basis?

When you make your reservation, you will have the option to add multiple dates/times. Our desire is to have rooms accessible for believers throughout the Twin Cities, so please refrain from reserving rooms more than once per week.

+ Where do I go when I arrive?

Please use the staircase in the main corridor near the restrooms and quietly walk through the mezzanine to your room. Your Retreat Room will be unlocked when you arrive.

+ What should I do if something is missing from my room?

Our team desires to serve you well! If you notice something missing or out of place, please help our team by alerting! e.g. missing Kleenex box, full trash can, burned-out lightbulb, etc.

+ What should I do when my reservation is over?

Tidy the room and return it to its original state, turn off lamps + overhead lights, dispose of trash in the downstairs corridors, and close door behind you.


+ What are some helpful ideas in how to spend time with the Lord while Iā€™m in a Retreat Room?

Check out our Ways to Spend Time with the Lord Resource!

+ How can I know if my prayers are effective?

Check out this resource about God hearing our prayers!

+ How can I learn my identity in Christ?

Check out our Identity Verses Resource!

+ How can I nurture my soul with the help of the Holy Spirit?

Check out our Notice-Name-Nurture Resource!


If you need assistance at any point, please contact