+ What is Healthy Hearts?

Healthy Hearts is a series of three annual retreats that take place over MEA break. These retreats are intentionally designed to equip 3rd-5th grade students with tools to walk in greater soul health. Each year students will dive deep into one of the following topics: understanding our true identity in Jesus, choosing to walk in forgiveness, or experiencing freedom from lies. Whether your child has attended previously or it’s their first time, we believe that elementary students don’t have to wait until they grow up to learn to steward their hearts and grow in intimacy with Jesus!

+ What is the topic for this year?

This year's topic is on "Identity" as we unpack Colossians 3:10 together!

Each year, students will dive deep into one of the following topics: understanding our true identity in Jesus, choosing to walk in forgiveness, and experiencing freedom from lies.

+ My child has never been to a Healthy Hearts Retreat before. Will previous topics be reviewed?

While we highly encourage students to attend all three years of Healthy Hearts if they are able, this is not required. A short review of previous topics will be covered at each retreat so that all students are able to fully engage with the learning material.

+ Who can attend Healthy Hearts?

Healthy Hearts retreat has been intentionally created for students who are in 3rd - 5th grade during the 2024-25 school year.

+ When is the Healthy Hearts Retreat?

The Healthy Hearts Retreat will be held October 17 - 20, 2024.

+ I'm noticing the Healthy Hearts Retreat is longer this year? Why?

Yes! We believe the Lord is so excited to equip elementary students with tools to care for their soul.

Whether for adults or children, we have found it is the most impactful to receive teaching on these topics over an extended, intentional period of time. We are so excited to expand the retreat this year giving more room to dive deeper and journey with the Lord in care of our hearts as well as create more space for relational connections as we engage in fun activities together!

+ Is there a schedule for the Healthy Hearts Retreat?

Yes! Check out our schedule for the retreat HERE!

+ What does registration cost cover?

Registration costs include lodging, transportation, meals/snacks, a crew neck sweatshirt, and all games/activities for the weekend.

It is our desire that finances would never stand in the way of student who desires to attend a Healthy Hearts Retreat! When registering your child, we are asking families to pay what you are able to of the total cost.

+ Who is leading Healthy Hearts?

The Healthy Hearts weekend will be led by EVERYDAY KIDS Pastors (Danny and Abby Christian) and a team of leaders that currently oversee Elementary students on Sundays. These individuals are trusted leaders that have completed background checks and have been trained through Ministry Safe on all policies and procedures.

+ Where is Healthy Hearts happening?

Healthy Hearts will be held at Trout Lake Camp in Pine River, MN.

+ How will my child get to the Healthy Hearts retreat?

Transportation for students and leaders will be provided. Mode of transportation will be determinded based on the number of registrations. Drop-off and pick-up for the weekend will be located at The Base.

+ My child has never been to camp or an overnight retreat. Has the team experienced this before?

Yes! Every year we have many students who are experiencing their first time at camp or at an overnight retreat!

Whether there's nervousness at drop-off or extra coaching needed during mealtimes/bedtime, our team is trained, equipped and excited to joyfully partner with students as they jump into any first time camp experiences!

+ Can my child bring a cell phone, video games, etc.?

Students will not be allowed to bring cell phones or video games to Healthy Hearts. As building relationship is a driving value, we are choosing to minimize distractions by pursuing a screen-free retreat.

+ Will I be able to reach my child during the retreat?

While we will be engaging in a screen-free retreat, our leaders will maintain cell phones throughout the weekend and will provide you with a contact number should you or your child need to reach each other.

+ Will I receive any information on how my child is doing throughout the retreat?

While our team will be doing our best to also pursue a screen-free retreat, we will provide group updates upon our arrival to camp and each evening.

+ What are the sleeping arrangements at Healthy Hearts?

Students will be assigned lodging for the weekend with students of the same gender and two adult leaders. Throughout the retreat, students will always be within the visibility and supervision of two adult leaders.

+ What does my child need to bring to Healthy Hearts?

Check out the packing list for Healthy Hearts HERE!

+ What should I do if my child has food allergies?

If your child has food allergies, be sure to indicate this on their registration form. We will communicate with Trout Lake and accommodate allergies as much as possible!

+ Is there medical staff on site during the retreat?

Members of our team are trained in CPR and First Aid. A nurse will also be located on site throughout the weekend.

+ My child needs medication - what should I do?

Medications of any kind should be listed on your student's registration form and turned in to the leadership team at drop-off. Our team is happy to administer any needed medications and first aid throughout the retreat.

+ What happens if my child gets sick or is injured at camp?

Our team is committed to excellence and safety. Members of our team are trained in First Aid and CPR. Our team may administer over-the-counter medication and prescribed medication as guided by the information provided in the student’s registration. In the event of an extended illness or injury, parents will be notified as soon as possible.

