Well, we get to just have a conversation with the band. You guys are a lot of our lead band members here at Everyday. Yeah. we want to just hear from you a little more behind the scenes. We're not talking about a specific moment on this album, but just some of the things that you guys have learned over the last few years as we've been developing what our sound and approach is in worship. And so I would love for us to start the conversation on the topic of prophetic musicianship.

So a lot of the theme, even on this album, we've been talking a lot about these spontaneous moments. They are not planned. You're not prepping them ahead of time. You're coming into a setting and right at the drop of a hat, someone is saying, play this obscure picture, whether it's approaching Heaven's door or the sweetness of God or ascending the hill of the Lord or something like that.

And so I think for a lot of people, it can be like, where do you even start? What does it mean to play the sweetness of God? So I'd love for you guys to try to break it down for people. Where does your brain go when someone grabs a mic and says, this is the direction we're going. How do you even start the process of creating that sound?

Yeah, I think, I could just kick this off here. - Yeah, let's go. - For me, it's the, like, as soon as I'm given a picture, it's like your worship leader gives you a picture, or a pastor, Josh, will give us a picture. I think my first response is I then ask Holy Spirit, well, it's like I'm coming up under whatever leadership was given. That's like number one.

And then it's like, I just ask Holy Spirit it's like okay what does that look like what does that sound like I think a lot of times you don't actually have to change much technically but changing what's in your mind and heart actually makes what you're doing technically so much different it's like you can it's like when so many times when you it's like one person can sing a chorus about healing but somebody that's actually experienced it, that same chorus same words same melody sound completely different so it's like I think it's so important that when you're given a specific thing or whatever you're going after it's like having that like getting a picture of that in your mind and in your heart actually fuels whatever you're going to do and it's like a lot of times you have then creative freedom it's like okay I'm picturing this, it's in my heart, they're connected. 

Now we have creative freedom to go and create and it's really the Lord's job to bring focus to whatever you're going after. I think that's like how I approach it as an MDE. Yeah. So it's like you're saying I'm submitting under what they've invited us to do. Yeah. And then it's almost like I'm immersing myself in that thing. Yes. Oh, I love that. Yeah, I think there's kind of two sides to the coin that Mark's hitting on. One is well, like if we're going to prophesy on our instruments, first I have to know how to prophesy, right? And so I have like, I need to know how to hear God's voice. So like Mark's saying like, Oh, what does it look like?

What does it sound like? Those are like like ways God can speak to us, right? So like, I usually see like pictures in my head of like, you know, digging deeper on, and a lot of times this is done for us 'cause it's like, hey, we're gonna play sweeter or we're gonna play the door. And there's like, the kind of picture is almost there already, which is nice. - Or like a characteristic of God. - Yeah, exactly. So then my job is like what Mark was saying to dig deeper on that of, okay, Lord, specifically for me, like what, how do you want to translate that, that in a way that will resonate with me? Like, 'cause sometimes you get a topic that, or like a picture that doesn't really resonate with me specifically.

So I'm like, okay, Lord, I need you to like make this resonate for me. And so there's that side of it of like, knowing how to hear His voice, that's a skill that we, a muscle we have to develop. And then the other part of it is, what are all the tools that I have available to me as a musician to then play what that sounds like, right? So it's like, I'm thinking about all the different kinds of music that I listen to, you know, I think of like movie scores for me are really helpful because they do that there's an emotion, and then you feel it because you hear it. 

And so like what I'm listening to the effects I might use the parts I might play, all of that kind of of melds into and then have I practiced you know like have I practiced enough to do what I'm hearing in my head do I even know what I'm what what I'm hearing in my head do I know what that is on here you know like I don't know and so yeah there's like the two sides of the coin are like practicing hearing His voice and working that muscle but then also having the technical side of it to then have the freedom to actually go where He's inviting us into. 

Yeah, I love how you describe it as just like, prophetic worship and prophetic musicianship that can sound so swirly. And so like just connecting it to, it's prophesying in this way. And like from there, you can just like dig into scripture on prophecy and there's probably more tangible scriptures on prophecy than there are on like, prophetic musicianship, and stuff. Yeah, there's like David playing the harp before Saul and like yeah, what what else? It's like like that gives you like a bit more of like a scripture anchor and then when I think of like operating in the prophetic or any spiritual gift we're like the Bible says that we use that in proportion to our faith. 

And so like as we're talking about like Yeah, having like having eyes for Him and like the intentionality to engage with Holy Spirit and ask Him questions is great. But what do I do with what I get? If I get a picture and I don't believe that that's from Him or if I'm second guessing or if like, there can be all this traffic that can come in that can squash all of that.

And so there has to be an element of like faith enough to act. a lot like in the prophetic of like you're asking Holy Spirit for like a word for someone, you get a word but you doubt and you don't share it, like that same sort of thing can happen in this context too of like I feel like He's asking me to step out musically in this way or I feel like there's this picture or as an MD you're like this weird cord or like a progression or like something and then like not letting doubt or second guessing get in the way but like engaging your faith and acting on the things that you are getting to.

And then I think even along with that there's this more like like almost like a resting faith too of like like, even if I'm not specifically asking Him a question right now, like having, I think for us, there is like an element of like, I have history with Him and I know that He speaks to me and He speaks through me and like, I think there is an element of like, almost like confidence and like trusting your gut that like He's in that too, even if I don't have like a specific thing from Him or like I've actively asked him a question.

I think just like there is this like Faith that like He moves and operates through the things that I'm doing regardless of if there's like been some sort of like clear aha like thing that I got from Him in a moment.

Yeah, I feel like that just drives home how important it is for us as musicians to be practicing the prophetic outside of worship like outside of the music context. It's like if we come back here and we're praying over each other and I'm able to get a word for Danny that is not tied to a melody that I'm playing, like that kind of creates this like bass can of like okay I've heard you before and I remember that time that I shared that with Danny, and then he's like dude how do you know that I would you know like there's this the muscle building and then there's more confidence and faith when it is that I'm adding in the complexity of now I also do to play what this sounds like you know I think that having the reps in helps a lot. 

Yeah I even want to just want to like echo that where it's like knowing that like He speaks

to us and that He loves to speak to us. And just like walking out in confidence with that where it's like there's those times where it's like you get like a picture after like Josh is saying like what is this sound like or like prodigal is coming on like what does that sound like and it's like something comes to mind because it's like Holy Spirit what are you saying. And like the first thing that comes to my mind where it's like I know like you said that Josh, it's like, what's the first thing that's coming to your mind? 'Cause it's like the Lord speaks to us. And a lot of times it is that, that first thing that's coming to mind, you know? And to just like step out in confidence with that. And yeah, yeah. 

Can you guys break it down? So you've got that idea or you got an image or you heard a sound or I don't know how it works for each of you but then what's the next, how does that translate? So how does that convert into I feel like the Holy Spirit said this or showed me this or maybe there's an idea but then how does that translate into your hands? Yes, yeah.

I think a lot of times it it's like once you get your picture and you have clarity on like what where you're going and and like a general direction from like a topic perspective or a picture perspective I feel like… Let's use an example, like prodigal is coming home. So the the pastor gets up he's we're in the middle of a Sunday service and they say hey I feel like we're supposed to pray over the prodigals, I want the team to play prodigals coming home, then, where do you go? Like what's your first step? 

That specific picture I'm probably like even in this moment I'm like immediately thinking joy. So my lens for whatever progression I'm gonna choose as a music director, MD, is going to be one that pushes joy forward. It's like it's gonna be probably faster changes, it's gonna be like more one-based. It's like those are very practical things and those practical things come from history, it's like I know what that sounds like yeah I know what that chord feels like I've played that a thousand times. It's like I've got history there so it's like I know what that's gonna do and it's like I know that joy feels like this so it's like I'm gonna probably lead us that way. 

Yeah, I think even in that it's like That's the start. Yeah, and then it's like we all are like trusting that the whole band like hears from the Lord too. And so it's like the like, you like getting the lens of joy sharing that with the band in the MD mic having an idea of a progression, but then it's like even for the rest of us like, how are we stewarding that that joy piece that you're giving? How are we stewarding that chord progression? And then like we're all engaging with the Lord on like our specific part of like how are we all contributing to this prodigal joyfully coming home sound together? 

Yeah, it's like there is like a, what's the word, I think there's like a pressures off sort of component to it of like you don't have to have the entire answer. And I think that's again where the faith component comes in yes of like it's just step-by-step. Like we don't need to know like, as even at like as an MD, it's like you need to know all the dirty details of like what everyone's gonna play in this chord progression, but like you've gotten that lens, you have that idea for the progression, you're giving that to the band, and we're all gonna carry it together. And like have faith that the Lord is gonna like lead us step by step in that and like let it kind of, and that's like the discovery and exploration with Him of like it's not all usually not all like just crystal clear from start to finish. 

It's like you have faith for the one moment, and then you have faith for your team, and then you have faith for the team to go together, and it's like step by step by step by step. And then the way that He unfolds that into this whole like picture, it's like all the songs we're talking about tonight kind of happen that way. 

Yeah and then I think there's also a responsibility to know the Word. It's like if you give us a picture of the prodigal and I don't know that, how am I ever going to articulate that musically if I don't know that story and it's like I've never read it I don't understand it how am I ever gonna articulate it. Yeah that's a really good point, I agree. I think what I was thinking about when you gave that example was, okay, I'm going Luke 15. Luke 15, I think it's Luke 15. And I'm thinking about running is the first thing I think about when you say that. Where it's like, and I'm thinking about the son is running home to the Father, but the Father is also running towards the son. 

And then you're saying joy. And I'm like, okay. Yeah, I'm like, I’m about to cry right now. I know. So it's like, suddenly there's like this collaboration. I love what Danny's talking about of like, man, we don't all have to have our own thing, but it's just, it's an instant unity bomb when we all engage with Holy Spirit on it because you said prodigal, now you think joy, I think running, you're thinking something else, but then we all kind of start bringing our ideas together. 

And there's this like synergy of like, we're all, 'cause we all see Him in part right and we all see different facets of Him, but then one of the joys of like teamwork is we all bring, I'm bringing my little corner of how I see Him And then with your little corner, oh my gosh, we're getting closer like a 3D. You know, it's like and we're just scratching the surface of like who God is, but like we're getting a little bit closer, you know. I think that's cool. 

Well, and that makes the point of what you were saying Mark around you've got to know, you've got to read this story. So the prodigal coming home, now you need to actually know the story of what happened in that tale to actually educate Stephen on the arpeggio or whatever, you know, that running sounds like. And it's like, he's seeing running and then I'm visualizing the party. And it's like all these different pieces are actually working together to like create a whole picture of like the whole story, not, and it's so cool how the Lord will highlight a specific thing to each person on the team that creates the whole picture. Yes, yes. 

I think there's even times where like, I know I've experienced this, where like we're doing some like instrumental thing like what we're talking about, and then I just start playing something and like asking Him almost like after the fact of like oh I started playing this thing, I didn't have a specific picture for it when I started, but like I feel like there's something to this and like asking Him like, I'm playing this thing what is it and Him like answering that question. Like there was a time where we're doing an instrumental or like a prayer room thing a while back and the vocalists were on this like spontaneous chorus of like together forever. Like I'm just like this like picture of like of like like the wedding of the Lord like at the like end of the story and like spending eternity with Him and I was just playing this thing because I thought it just very practically like it fit and then I asked Him like what what is this thing that I'm playing?

And He answered that like it's the wedding bells like and so there's like stuff like that can happen too or like almost like the order of stuff gets flip-flopped. So it's like I feel like it's not always this like super clean cut methodology because it's relationship and it's like organismic organismic, if that's a word. It's, and like, so like, organic. And to like, I think to try to boil it down to a strict methodology is to like, almost suck out the heart and the soul of it. But like, just being open to like, it's gonna look different, and it's gonna feel different because it's Him, and like, He's not just gonna do it in one way. 

I think one of the funnest things about MDing is doing that like with other people where it's like Danny's playing something it happens a lot with you where it's like you'll play something and then as an MD I'm hearing it and the Lord's like that's what like what Danny's playing is this and we have maybe haven't even got a picture from the front but it's like what Danny's playing is this and then I'm like okay I feel like the Lord highlighting Danny right now, and what Danny's playing sounds like, and I'm saying on the MD mic, and what Danny's playing is actually like this and so let's unify around this topic and like this like I feel like Danny's digging into something prophetically whether Danny knows it or not. 

Whether I consciously know it or not. Yeah it's like I feel like God's I feel like this is what God's kind of doing through this instrumental and even if it's only like four minutes in the middle of our instrumental that we like dig into that. And then the singers, you know, take it a different place. Like that's, we're still digging a little bit. I think that it's like fun to do that. Yeah. And it's like, it's like, okay, if it's out of order, like you're saying, yeah, I think that gets into like, like trusting that your team and like unity of like, oh, I, we've all played together and we've like lived life together for, for a while. And like, I, like, it's like, like I trust your relationship with Him and I trust your like intentionality with Him to like to have that of like you know me well enough to be like like the Lord is doing something like through Danny right now. 

Like there has to be like that like trust and confidence like in someone else's like relationship with Him. Yes. I think there's also got to be a humility on the rest of the team in those moments. It's like, say Steven's empty and he's saying Danny's being highlighted to me. It's like, whatever I'm doing, I'm now focused solely on what Danny's doing and I'm adapting to come underneath that and bring focus to that. 

I'd love for you guys to talk about mutual submission. So it's like, that is a huge thing that we go after as a community is like mutual submission. Could you guys break down how that plays itself out on a worship team? 

Yeah I mean I think when it comes to mutual submission I mean I think it's based on relationship with each other yeah and like connection with each other and being unified kind of what you're saying Danny where it's like I trust your relationship with the Lord, you know, I trust your relationship with the Lord sort of a thing where it's like, oh, if if I'm playing something, either on drums or guitar or whatever it is, and, and Danny gets something, I'm like, okay, yeah, whatever Danny's got, we're going, you know. Or Stephen gets something on keys or like Mark, okay, let's go down to his base and Mark's gonna play something on just bass because he's getting something from the Lord. It's like, Nope, oh, yeah, I'm submitting for sure, because I trust what they're hearing, you know, and it's like, and it's also we just love each other. So it's like, yeah, oh my gosh, please do it, please play. Like, I want you to do this, you know. 

Yeah. But yeah, and I think it's been such a beautiful culture that's been building and growing with us. It's just like the whole like unifying and being welded together and being like, no, I want You to do it. Yeah. Like, I want You to, like, whatever You're hearing, please do it and share, you know, because we trust that." Yeah. Yeah. It's so important to uproot, like, let Him uproot the insecurity and competition that is normal for musicians where it's like, "Well, you did that cool thing and the MD called you out. Now, I'm going to try to get the MD to call me out because what I'm I'm doing is actually pretty cool too.” And like just killing that and like celebrating, it's like okay, I'm gonna celebrate what Danny did and that's easy to do if my worth isn't defined by the MD highlighted me tonight. 

You know, if like my worth is tied up in Mark calling me out and like saying what I did sounded cool, I am not here for the right reason and I'm never gonna be able to collaborate on this level. Like I have to find my worth in Him and that has to be the baseline before we can enter into like this. If I was to put mutual submission into like a phrase, I would say it's consistently and actively crushing comparison in this. It's like that's what it is. It's like in order to submit to somebody else you can't be comparing yourself to them. Yes. It's like yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yes. 

Philippians is like one of my favorite books and I'm always reminded that. It's like if you had to like sum up that book it's like unity through humility. Wow, and it's like Yeah, you know if you're like like for instance, like if I'm playing drums and I'm like hearing like oh like I'm hearing a song like stirring it up and like building it somewhere. And I'm hearing from the MD, hey, let's bring it down. And we're gonna have it just keys and pad and we want this to be a sweet moment. And regardless of how I was feeling of like, hey, I got this like really like cool idea to like build up. And it's like coming under what you're saying.

And knowing like you're like, yeah, you're connecting with Him as well and seeing like maybe what the room needs and it's like I'm coming up under that and that there's unity in that humility. It's like the going low, it's like a value of ours, it's like the lower we can go. But it's like I think sometimes going low is confused with like losing authority it's like no, it's like yeah shrinking back, it's like it's like, going low is like, it's a powerful thing too. It's like, there's so much authority in preferring somebody else. And it's so powerful. 

Yeah, I think one of the other things that's really helpful with mutual submission is remembering that He's like the source of creativity. And so there's like an endless supply of like ideas. Yeah. like, if I have a cool idea, I'm doing on keys, but then Mark goes to Danny instead of me and I kind of have to like stop what I'm doing and switch around. Like I don't have to feel bummed because that wasn't like the only good idea I'm going to have, you know, for the rest of like the year, you know. It's like actually like God is going to keep inspiring me and I'm going to keep like finding and I might forget about that idea and never look at it again, but there's not like a shortage of like, you know, like things play, you know. 

It's like, yeah, there's no poverty mindset of like, oh, but this is all I have to offer. And if it really does feel like that's all I have to offer, I need to go practice so that I have more to offer. But it's also like, man, He's gonna bring that and He's gonna inspire, you know, He's like, there's an endless source of creativity and His name is God.

So yeah. Yeah. And we've experienced that like, that's just not hyperbole, like yeah. I feel like it's so easy to like say something like that and be like oh, He's the source and like we've heard that. But it's like that is true, and we know it because we've lived it and we've seen it a thousand times. Like it's like that's I just I don't know just want to like drill that down like that's that's real. Yeah, like yeah, it's like what all of these songs came out of. It's like nobody knew we were recording these. We didn't know. We were told, we were told we were releasing an album and that we've already recorded all of the songs. What? (laughing) So it's like all of these are like organic moments that just happened. 

Yeah, and it's like I was thinking about this the other day, if we were to go back and like like, if the Lord was to ask us to like play the sweetness of Him again with the exact same team, it could sound completely different and be still 100% like accurate and real and authentic. Like there's like, that's 'cause that's just who He is. Like He's so infinite and like always, always I don't know how to phrase it, just always discoverable like there's always more. There's no shortage to being able to, like we can't exhaust the depths of even the most simple and narrow attribute of Him. Like, His humility we could mine that for the rest of our life, 24/7, and not reach even close to the edge of His humility. So I love what you're saying, it's like there's infinite ways to express these pictures or values or attributes of Him. 

Earlier you guys were starting to talk about I think even unintentionally the dynamic of each of you are individuals with individual gifting and makeup and personality, wiring, perspective, life experience, all of it right which means you're going to express these things about Him differently from your own life experience your history and the Lord things like that. I would just be curious, putting you on the spot a little bit, to go I'm gonna I'm gonna give you the topic of shepherd. So we come into the night and we grab the mic and we say we're gonna play the Good Shepherd. I Just want to hear in like short. You don't have to, again it's we all we get is like a baby step, right? So it's not like tell us the whole two hours of what you would do but like where would you start? So I want to hear like what's the first thing that comes to mind and what's so then what would you do on your instrument to just start on the Good Shepherd?

And to acknowledge that that's how much time you have. So she just said Shepherd, and then there's about a minute of prayer usually and then it's we're doing it. Yeah, where where my mind went was like Him leaving the 99 and going for the one. And like, what does that sound like? And like, I got this picture of like Him as a shepherd out searching for the one and calling, calling for that one sheep. And like, what does that call sound like?

Whoa. So like that, that's where my brain went of like, how would I play the call of the Father or the Shepherd, like calling the one home? And what does that sound like on guitar? Wow. Come on. I got a safety you know, I think about the shepherd it's like He's safe. He's gonna protect me, He's gonna guide me, He's gonna provide for me you know. And so I think about what is, what is safety sound like you know? Is that like more sporadic beats, or is it more consistent, or is it like just the symbols, or just the four tom, or is it do I turn the snares off, you know, or am I doing open hi-hat accents, you know. So it's like what is safety sound like? 

I think the first thing I thought it was like Psalm 23:3 like, You leave me beside quiet waters and like green pastures and I'm thinking about that. And I feel like it's like calm and steady, so I'm hearing like well just specifically I’m hearing like four one over three, that would be the progression I would use. That's what I go to. It just feels yeah it works for everything guys, but it's like it feels, so in a key of D for some reason in my head, but it feels so just like, because you don't resolve home on the one it has the tension still of the three but it's like this very like the rocking back and forth feels feels really calming to me. And then probably some kind of just really consistent arpeggio that would kind of feel like the streams like the like rolling across the stones kind of something like that is what my mind goes to. 

Yeah and I was I like just pictured a pasture and just the rest which it's like I would probably guide us towards like something more spatial, something more like ambient and cinematic, versus like like more precise like thing. It's like a little bit more like wide, is I guess maybe a word I would use for to articulate that to the band, and then kind of see how that developed from there. I was like the first thing that came to my mind was your rod and your staff they comfort me, and how like, I was thinking the key of D as well, and like a but kind of like a we're not on the one yet, we're kind of in that four kind of maybe five six or four one over three kind of area. Where it's like where His rod and His staff, He like gently like realigns us, and then that where we would kind of go to the one but like in a very like, not like like hitting it but more just like this gentle realignment. Like back to the one and just kind of having that one feel really like, yeah I don't know, just beautiful and like yeah like really like big but not like drive-y big. 

I'm curious, we can close with this question, if you were to just give one simple word of advice to another musician who's going, "I want to grow in this. I want to grow in prophetic musicianship. How do I start? Where do I start?" And I know that each of you, and we've been speaking to that a lot throughout this time. And each of you could write a whole book on all the things you would say. So try to narrow in on like, here's one, whether it's a tool, a piece of wisdom or advice, maybe something you’ve learned the hard way or from experience, just one thing you would leave another musician with. 

I would say explore your instrument in the secret place. Learn it like the back of your hand and like each piece of gear that you have explore them, so that you know what they do so that it's a tool, it becomes a tool that you can pull out out in a moment and you're like, oh, I actually know what this is gonna do when I turn it on. I'm confident in what I've got before me. 

Yeah, I would say, like, humility, kind of like humility and hunger, like the combo of those. Where it's like, I walk in and there's always something to learn. You know, I feel like Josh, you always say this, like I'm coming in low and asking questions. I'm asking not assuming, like what can I learn when I walk into the room that's that. Like do that everywhere you go yeah and don't think your idea is the best one because you had it you know. Like it's okay to let go of that and like learn from other people. You'll go you'll go somewhere you'll go a lot further if you lay down the need to like be the one with the idea at the time you you know, and like learn from other people. 

Yeah I would say, and this is coming from learned knowledge. The praise of man will never come close. The praise of man will never come close to the intimacy of God. Yeah. Yeah. And so whether you're playing on large platforms or small platforms or whatever, trying to learn an instrument, trying to learn how to play in the prophetic or whatever it is, first and foremost, you have to know Him. Yeah. You know, yeah. And it's like, we're doing this for Him. Yeah. And this is why this is literally the reason why we're here is for Him. You know, and so we're practicing for Him, we're singing for Him, we're playing for Him, we're asking Him questions. And it's so it's like the praise of man, it's like it's literal trash compared knowing His heart and being able to love Him and know Him more. So yeah that's what I would say.

That's so good Jojo. Man you guys all had such good. I would say all of those things and I think like as we're talking about this, it's like the root of all of this is in hunger. And if someone's asking that question, like that hunger is already there, and even that hunger is like it's such a gift, and it's like a symptom of a soft heart and like that is so precious. precious and so easy to lose. And like we talk a lot about like, I want to have longevity with the Lord, I want to get to be an old man sitting in my rocking chair in my front porch and just still looking at Him, and still enjoying Him. I'm not jaded by the world. I haven’t been broken by disappointment, but I have a soft heart for the Word. And I think just like recognizing that like, yeah, like that hunger and that softness of your heart is like so precious and so pure. And like whatever you can do to like maintain that and like steward that and grow that is like gonna be the most important thing. Like whether you end up doing any of this music stuff that we're talking about, it's like yes like your heart for Him and with Him is so much more important than that. 

I just want to, just want to honor what you guys all carry as music musicians, as leaders, as MDs, worship leaders. I've been in front row for many years and we've had so many moments in this room and I would I would say that when I think about each of you as leaders and as men you carry affection in your heart for God. And I don't know how many moments we've had where I'm in the front row and then I look at Danny and he's weeping as he's playing before the Lord and there's there's, and it's not just Danny it's like all of you, where there's moments in this room where you're loving Him and it's connected. 

You know what I'm saying? Yeah, and I think that is one of the great tragedies of worship in the West right now, is the disconnection from leaders and musicians to where there's a canyon, so to speak, of like connectedness to the heart of God. And as I've I look at what you carry as leaders, you're connected and it's like what Jesus purchased is what you're living into of connection with the heart of God and being able to communicate that through your leadership and musician and as you are the tip of the spear for the upward, the upward call of God for us. The upward expression of we're looking at You, Lord. 

And it's just been a joy to throw you these crazy ideas, literally go, just like take all of you and push you off the ledge and then see what you do and how you fly. and bring us all with you, so, let's go. We love you guys so much. Really, really grateful for each of you.