All right, we get to talk about Heaven's Door, which is very fun. - Come on. - I'll paint a little bit of the picture of some backstory.

I want to hear from you for sure on what you were thinking. Okay, so. - Just to start there.

I, this moment was not in the prayer room. This moment was at a Sunday. Sunday service. So this is corporate worship on a Sunday,

unplanned, of course, like all of the other moments have been completely spontaneous. This was spontaneous. There was no conversation in the engine room before service about anything even hinting in this direction,

which we call this room, our engine room, which is where we do briefings. If you look under the hood, this is is where you're gonna see the heart in this room. And so we're in service.

This one was unique because it was the only moment on this album that didn't happen in the prayer room. So the others were corporate sets,

a devo set, in the prayer room. This happened at a Sunday service at our Awakening Services and so this is a moment that was completely spontaneous nothing happened in the engine room which is this room that we're in right now that we brief in before service we didn't talk about doing this or going in this direction in any way it really just came out spontaneously by the spirit in the middle of worship at the 530 service and so we're in the worship portion of the service and Josh gets up. And what, what did you just tell us about it?

You know, there's a moment and the music is dying down. And as we're in worship, the Lord's highlighting the Hebrews 10 passage where Jesus once for all, he sacrificed himself for us and now we're washed clean,right? And then in verse 19, 19 says therefore, brothers, since we have confidence to enter into the holy places by the blood of Jesus, by the new and living way that he opened up for us through the curtain that is his flesh, let us draw near. And I think that draw near is what I felt when you guys were facilitating encounter in the room before that and felt like there is a beckoning.

There's like a beckoning from heaven. heaven come up here and it wasn't just for us it's for it's a global beckoning from the throne room that's like hey come on up here and and I think I had this picture of north south east west like every tribe tongue people group are in this room the throne room and they're worshiping and And the Lord is going,

"Hey, come up here." And he's just, he's already sat down, right? 'Cause he's finished the work, and so he's seated. And, but there's, it's rowdy,

you know? And then I kind of laid out this, I want us, (laughing) - Listen, this was like the second jump. - And when I say us, I mean you.

- It's so good. (laughing) - I flip jumps of all flip jumps, my goodness. - And I just kinda say in front of the whole room, you know, worship team musicians, I want you guys to play us approaching Heaven's door.

It's like the revelation for, there's a door standing open to Heaven. I want you to play us approaching the door of Heaven. So the whole room begins to close their eyes and begins to just meditate on,

on we are going to all slowly approach heaven's door. And that's how, and then I put the mic down. Handed the baton to you.

- Good luck out there. - Oh my word, I wanna hear how you guys experienced that moment that I could feel like a panic. I was at home that night and so I was watching in the light.

stream I was home with sick kids and I'm watching the live stream from my couch and Josh gets up and he's talking about this and he's like, "So I want you to play "approaching Heaven's Door and then it opening." And I'm going,

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no." "No, don't do that." That's so hard. Like I'm just thinking as a musician and we do this stuff. stuff, like we throw things to you guys like this,

but this felt extra obscure to me at least, where I was like, "How do you play approaching Heaven's door?" And so, but then I'm sitting at home and by the end of this section,

I'm standing up to my TV, like weeping and laughing and just like with you. And what the Lord did to me? and what he birthed through you guys and your yieldedness,

your mutual submission and that moment for you to even come under that word and go yes, is just stunning to me. So I would just love to hear how you guys experienced that when he said play approaching heaven store.

- Honestly, I wasn't worried one bit. (laughing) I'm happy for you. I love that for you. So I was I was worse clear that day on rhythm guitar and yeah I mean when when Josh you like threw us that that curve not curveball under him.

I was like so full of excitement and anticipation because it's like I was like looking at our team and thinking about like our history and it's like oh we've done this like we've like we've gotten these things thrown to us and like we've we've like arrived you know so I was like oh lord what do you have like where are we gonna go with you know I was like so stoked and yeah so I was like you know and then of

course you know like over to Mark, 'cause normally with our instrumentals, the MD is kind of like driving the bus. And Mark was our MD and bro, without you.

In that moment without you bro, it would have been, I mean, I just, you're incredible. Incredible, incredible. And I'll talk about this for days, but I want you guys to share.

- Yeah, even just like, you were in drums that night. Yeah and it's like I'm on drums and right when he like passed the baton to us I mean you like grabbed it right away and you were like ready with this like picture and vision of like this is kind of what or where I see us kind of going and stewing on and how it's kind of like we're like slowly approaching but as the music it's like building and just you were

you were just painting such a like distinct and beautiful picture for us to where it's like yeah I was kind of in that same way like I'm not worried at all I'm like and I feel like we were all kind of yeah I don't know if I can speak for everyone but like just burning yeah in that moment so ready yeah so I don't know yeah just your leadership specifically in like the beginning portion of that setting it up

because there's not much Like direction like post like once you know, it's like there's not much stretch. We're just all there We're like together, but in that beginning vision like yeah,

your leadership and like Stewardship in that moment of grabbing the baton right away and like yeah, just being ready with like this picture of like Yeah, what that sounds like and where we're going Yeah,

my experience was a little bit different different. (laughing) It's like Josh gets up there and gives us this picture and it's like,

amazing. I was like, so my first instinct, it was like, okay, let's get us on something that's got movement, something that we can build from. So I just come up with the,

it was the six, four, two, one progression. And then I'm internally, this is probably like a 15 second conversation in my head. It's like, okay, interesting picture. picture, Josh. And then it's like,

at the same time, it's like a choice to then come under it. And it's like, okay, what does it sound like? It's like, it's not like connecting really intensely for me personally,

but that's okay. It's like, you're gonna have those moments and that's okay. So it's like, what does it look like to come under this? And then it's like, I just started dialoguing with Holy Spirit, it's okay. Yeah, okay, what does this look like? like to approach the door and then I'm like actively communicating to the band what I feel like I'm hearing and then I like got this very specific picture of like a basically

the ten minute process of it takes us to get to basically the door opening so then it's like I began to articulate that to different band members a lot of direction to drums no direction direction to Danny because he's an animal.

[laughter] He's guilty. Well, and it's like the history he has and just the stuff he does naturally, it's like I can't, I couldn't even have tried to tell him to do those things.

Because you're a drummer. I'm a drummer, bass player, it's like, I understand melody, but man, another level, not like that, not like that. So yeah, it was like this process of like building and it's like I knew that we were going to be approaching for a while,

which then lent itself to how I led the band and it's like it took us a while to get there. And then we were doing that ascending line, that unison line for a while,

which even to me right now, maybe feels like a little bit too long. But in the moment, it's like, no, this is like the right amount of time, the right moment. It's like we need to sit in this, like uncomfort for a second.

We need to like live here longer and then the explosion happened. - Explosion, meaning walking through Heaven's door.

- Yeah, walking through Heaven's door. And like hearing it all and yeah, it was wild. - And I think this moment, moment was unique to a degree because it's like often times When you guys give us like a play this we're kind of like individually thinking of like different aspects of that word But when you're like play,

you know walking up the stairs to heaven's door Mark led us through a singular image. Wow, where it was like, oh, we're actually unified in this singular image Walking up the steps.

It's like, okay. What does that sound like? you know it's like the doors aren't open but we're outside of them we can hear it what's inside you know like all these yeah things oh he was saying that yeah in the MD mic yeah yeah okay so it's like it's like we're getting a little closer or it's like okay we're closer we're closer it's like yeah and so it's like each of us having like a singular image to look at but

also like it's still a different experience you know because it's like the stairs might be like a little little like Oh, this might be a little rocky for me or it's like for Danny. It's like, oh, I'm actually flying up these stairs,

you know or whatever But yeah, I just have like the just I could talk for days about your leadership at this moment, bro But it's like like having like that Like being unified in that singular image as a team.

I think maybe such a huge impact like it it was like a Okay curveball to like I think one like it shows like your trust in us Josh like I'm gonna throw this curveball at the band and it's also like a lot of times when we talk about like doing an instrumental around a picture like we talk about it back here but to like to do it out there in front of the room and then be like hey guys do it like vulnerable it

was vulnerable but like it felt so safe because there's like there's history and trust and just with like the team that we had like You said that I looked over at Mark and I knew we were gonna be okay like Like I was like,

oh like like you guys have been saying like oh We're good like we've done this before like we're ready to go there and like I was burning Like I had around this time.

I had been sitting in like Revelation 4 for a while while and so like all this like throwing her an imagery was like pretty fresh in my head and it was just like there's a lot of fuel for that fire come on yeah I think that there's trust that is happening between senior leadership and the team but then there's also a trust that the team has even for the room to not turn into like the community not to just

spectate the moment you know what I'm saying because there's been enough of a culture of hunger that has been stewarded for years and years and years that it's not like okay now there's 400 people in the room that are just watching the musicians do something and it's not a show it's like we are all unified together and I think that we felt that as the leaders in the room,

we're all approaching together and it's not, oh, what are they doing? It's more so like, Lord, we're locked in and we're going somewhere all together and I think that's what's so beautiful so that you guys as a team don't have to have that traffic about what we're being watched or something like that.

- Oh, it's so true. It's like by the end of the day. moment the whole room is like jumping up and down and shouting and crying and laughing and yelling.

It's like we truly went on a journey together. The band didn't just go on a journey. The whole room was brought into that because of your trust that you've built like Josh was saying and your level of excellence because of the way you've stewarded.

stewarded your craft. And so, it's incredible. - Can I, I wanna add to what you were saying, Josh, like, spectating. I think as a singer on the team,

I think I was like, singer three, developing, still learning. I think there can be that, like, temptation to just observe and then only be thinking about the better world.

band is doing their thing I'm not singing anything so what do I do or oh I'm just okay so when we're done what should I sing or I'm still developing there's that temptation like how do I prove to my worship leader I can do this or all those things I can like get in the mix as like a singer yeah I feel like with this it was like that's so not our culture and it's not our hearts but I think in that moment for

me it was like expectation engagement and it's that like it's so true it's like the room isn't just sitting back like what are they doing and singers aren't just sitting back only thinking about when it's my turn what am I gonna do and there's an element of like wanting to burn and run in support support but I think in that moment it was like I think I felt like if I never like sing a note tonight like after this

instrumental is done it doesn't matter this is the encounter so like the pacing from you mark and the like walking us through the whole journey like just I was saying it was incredible and so I think as like a singer who was like oh not on the sidelines not checked out this is the encounter and and to I because I think at that point as a singer it's like I don't know how to mutually submit with an instrument but

in the posture of my heart I can and so it was like wow that's such a gift to have those opportunities and to learn from the musicians and there's so much for singers and instrumentals too and it doesn't have to do with your voice,

it's how are you going low to like follow and fully engage and there might be overflow. it might get expressed it might not but then it's like I wonder what Josiah is thinking about I wonder what Anna is thinking about and so I feel like in that moment as like a singer it was like oh yeah it's time to encounter and engage I think sometimes in these moments when we get a word or you know play what you see each

other you are picturing your own thing and then kind of like bringing that to the table to create the larger picture right but in this I think Josiah was saying this earlier to your point in this moment Mark just like set exactly what you guys were gonna do and there was like it was more follow the leader and express from there I'd love to just hear more more behind the scenes on the MD.

Mark, what were you, how were you leading the band? How can you break that down for us? Even how did you guys receive his leadership in that moment? Just bring us behind the curtain because we don't have an MD,

you know, mic in our ear. So what did that look like? Yeah, I think it, there was like, well it's like we started out on like a six four, two, one progression that was kind of like building,

and we were kind of like living in this zone while we kind of, well, I was like developing where we were gonna go next. And then it's like, we're playing this progression and I get that like unison line and I'm then articulating that for like a few progressions.

It's like, hey, we're gonna do this, so I sing it and then I'm like two, two, three, three, five, five, and I'm like trying to end it. then I do that like three or four times and then I'm literally looking at each person on the band I'm like hey do you got it and then I'm like you got it it's like are we good is ever does everybody make sense it's like visually checking in with each person before so that we

can land it like the first time correctly and then it's like I count us in there and it's like there's some there is some nuance to it it's like if you were to listen to the MD I'm like hey we're gonna do it now and then I'm like just kidding we're gonna wait one more time because because I want Tim to build into this moment more it's like I want the drums to be a little bit higher before we hit this moment

so we're gonna do the progression again so that it like we can go into it the right way and then it's like we hit that unison line and then it was like you're going okay ready one two three four five six go Yeah,

I'm like counting sin to what we're doing. Yeah, and then it's like we kind of just went off from there I didn't and then it's like I'm basically giving like okay more more build it Tim build Tim do this build more.

I want more from you. I want more from you. It's like yeah, yeah, so it's like I'm like it's I'm like leading but also like championing what's happening what the other people are doing on the it's like yeah so yeah yeah what does what does he mean by championing what does that mean I don't know like for me it was like that's exactly the word I was thinking of I was it's like this like I don't know it's like this

like encouragement of like like yeah You got this like you got more that's exact. You're like you got more Tim Yeah, it was like this fuel on the fire of like And it was like this because it's like we're already like just building like crazy Yeah,

and it's like and it actually like spurred me to get like more creative of like, okay I can open up my build now and it's like Got it. Got it. Got it. I can open up this build to give this like more grandiose feel so it was was like kind of like I don't know it was like Fuel it was like it was encouragement.

Yeah, it's just like this encouragement. Yeah Oh, this is our peak. No, we got more Yeah,

just so good Yeah, what about some like behind -the -scenes technical gear talk what were you guys at what section? settings effects were you using any moments where you're like yeah that really stands out this is what I was doing there Danny so yeah we start out Josh you give that direction mark you paint that picture for us on the md mic and then from there like like I'm like Asking the Lord like what do we what

do we do with that and specifically like what do you want me? to play or focus on And in this in this like picture of like the door is closed we're farther away.

We're approaching it But you can like hear like the muffled sound of like the throne room And like you can like kind of see the light light from the other side of the door kind of like moving in that little gap underneath so that was like the picture that I had of like and then I heard him say like focus on the light which made no sense to me but like focus on the light and play what that sounds as like what

that sounds like as we go and so like at the start like with the door closed and like like, approaching it and, like, seeing, like, the little steady movement of light from underneath,

like, that's where I'm playing that, like, it's, like, a filtered out, um, with, like, a vibrato effect on it, just, like, steady, like, dun, dun,

dun, dun. Like, to kind of represent that. And then, as Mark gives the direction of, like, we're approaching, we're getting kind of, like, a, like, a, like, a, like, a, like, a, like, a, like, a, like, a, like, a, like, a, like, a, like, a, like, a, like, a, like, a, like, a, like, a, like, a, like, a, like, a, like, a, like, a, like, a, like, a, like, a, like, a, like, a, like, a, like, a, like, a, like, a,

like, a, like, a, like, a, like, a, like, a, like, a, like, a, like, a, like, a, like, a, like, a, like, a, like, a, like, a, like, a, like, a, like, a, like, a, like, a, like to the door Like I would like open up like I have this like low -pass filter and I like open it up just a little bit So you get like a little more like high ends.

It's a little clearer like as we get there This is gonna be long. I'm sorry Keep going and then Like you mark gets to the part where like We play where playing that unison line,

and then as we are transitioning from that into that progression we landed on, I was getting this picture of just the door opening,

and in the movies, when you open a really bright space and they really dramatize, it's so blinding, you can't. Yeah. just like projecting from the opening in the doorway,

and like, you can't make anything out like distinctly, it's just blinding. And so like, that's when you hear all that like, weird,

scrapey, slidey, like, I just like, was like, I saw that and was like, I don't know if there was like a conscious like, I don't know if there was like a conscious like, I don't know if there was like a conscious like, Holy Spirit like,

ask in that moment. I think it was just all like, instinct and flow with him of like, this is what I see. This is how we're expressing it. And just like,

turned on a couple overdrives and just did that. And like, even like listening back to it, I'm like, oh, that like actually sounds cool.

Like, it felt so random. random and like noisy and chaotic like when I was doing it but I felt like that's what he wanted and then we land on that progression that new progression and then we're building that and so like it's like what your eyes like when your eyes adjust after the door is open and then now you can make things out out and like I was saying before like it's like stewing on Revelation 4 like I had been like having these pictures of the throne room of like of like there's one like like with the appearance of like Jasper and Carnely on a throne and like like a rainbow of like emerald and like the floor like a sea of glass and like like all these things that it describes that are like when you're coming from the perspective of playing the light are so reflective and like refractive and so like I'm like having

this picture of the throne room as our eyes adjust to the door opening and just seeing like lights swirling and reflecting off of like of him and like the floor and like everything and like that's when like I I go up and I play that like high arpeggio like thing of like there's lights going everywhere really fast and it was like this is what he wants so I'm gonna go up and play this thing that like I think as a

guitar player especially like like you don't want to have things come across as like showy or overplaying or like shreddy and there was like this high -fast thing that I'm like someone's gonna like there's like all these thoughts of like yeah traffic like I can go up and I can play this thing and I know my heart in it and and I know what he's asking of me and but like I almost didn't do it out of like fear of it

being interpreted as like oh like the stereotypical like there's the guitar player like just going up and shredding and doing whatever and it was like so not like the heart yeah but that like that moment was a risk from like that like jump off a cliff for your man standpoint and then also just like technically like it was hard and like once you're up there it's like I don't know where exactly we're going I don't

know how long I'm gonna be stuck up here doing this like turkey call like that that wasn't the picture picture there's turkeys in heaven there's a turkey in the throne room that's so funny Tim called it a turkey call earlier like once you're once you're there it's like you're almost locked into that for a while and like so anyways like we get to that point we do that and I took the leap and like took that risk to

like go up and like I didn't even know exactly what notes I was gonna play and but it was like there's like the faith component of like this is what he's asking I'm gonna say yes and then see what happens from there and so like like go up and then I start playing and we find it and I think think like eventually like my hand cramped up and we ended up retracting it,

but yeah. And then the last, this is the last part. I'm so sorry. - This is great. - Do never apologize. - From there, like I just,

I started to get this other picture of like, almost like following one of these lights soaring high up around the room. - Wow. - Wow. which is where we kind of shifted to that other melody that's a little more open and soaring that has this really grandiose open movement to it.

And that's what I was picturing when we shifted to that part. And that kind of, at least for my part. part, kind of like carries a lot of like what I'm playing through the end of the song,

is that that like little like soaring melody. What I love about what you're sharing Danny is that you're playing what you're seeing,

it's coming from the scriptures and then the Holy Spirit is inspiring through your imagination while your eyes are open but you see it right and I think that that's what our teams you guys do so well is you play what you see and your eyes are on him right and so it's almost like there's there's moments where you're saying hey I'm playing what he's asking me to and then at the same time subconsciously it's not even

necessarily God going hey play play this." But it's more so your response to... You're like playing it for him because he's showing you himself,

and so you're just kind of... Would you agree with what happens? There's a lot to it of like, all of this is in the context of Mark's direction too. And so,

yeah, there is that... I think it started out more like... like the beginning of of the song of like the asking and then receiving and playing and then it kind of moves more into this like almost like yeah response to the imagery that I'm seeing yes and those images are still so vivid and so like ingrained in my mind like I can go back and I can like see these pictures of the throne room and the door that I got when we played this wow and wild. But as we move through it, it gets to be more of that response or almost just this synced up sort of subconscious flow with him.

Totally. More so than a conscious asking and getting an answer. Are there any other?

notable moments throughout this that you're like oh we have to talk about this moment? I mean the two there's two in my mind at least there's the one when we do that walk up like do -do -do -do -do whatever I can't 2 -3 -5 Cause that like for me were like were my mind when we hit that point was was like,

we were almost to the door. And it was like the anticipation of like, - Yes. - Like, oh my gosh. It's like, I cannot wait for these doors to open.

- Yes. - And to see every nation, every tongue. You know, like, Lord friend, the Lord. - Yeah. - And then when we like, released into that progression, it was like,

literally it was like, oh my gosh, we made it. like we arrived like this is it like we are now in the throne room yeah you know it's like like like physically like emotionally like mentally spiritually I was just like beholding the Lord yeah yeah and yeah like those are my two favorites first yeah yeah yeah I want to like second that like that moment where you called out where it's like we're kind of like in that

space in the beginning and then we're kind of building to something and you call out like Just like driving on the ride like 16th and then like I like dropped the bottom out like taking out the kick where it's like That's the moment you brought in that melody and it's just like we went from like approaching your like we were like running and then When you went in Danny to that like That's like a frequency frequency scrambler. It just, it wasn't even like notes or like sounds, but or it wasn't like notes or melody, but it was just like noise. And getting, I got like a picture of like the veil being torn and how it looked and like the throat. Cause it's just like this ripping. And we like went from like running to like flying.

Like we are like feet off the ground and it was, was like this like beautiful moment where we are like approaching the throne like boldly and like company and like with like well expectation so like that moment and just yeah that creativity was like spurring creativity and so by like the time we like the door open and we were there we were just all together in unison and it's like yeah,

there was like Minimal direction at that point then because we're like we're there and yeah, and it's like we were up for like the next like Six seven.

Yeah, it's just like non -stop or it's like this We're like we're building and then we like open up and then we're building again And then we open up and we're building and it was just this like yeah Yeah, it was beautiful. Yeah kind of similar to just hi, but like that that like that release it was like For me, it was pretty wild when it's like when you think about it's like I'm sitting in this room with 400 people that love him and We all just walked through this door And it's like the like well you can like what you just look around the room and every everybody is just on fire like freaking out losing their

minds it's like oh it's wild and it's like yeah it's like I can't I don't know I don't have any more words yeah we're hearing you guys talk about this this moment where you're approaching the door as a team and mark Mark is kind of going like not yet.

- We're not there yet. (laughing) - Can you talk about that moment? - Yeah, I think I just like, I felt like this like urged from Holy Spirit to like give it some time.

It's like people, they need some time to live in the tension. So I was pretty confident in waiting. I was like, no, we're not there yet, slow down, wait. And I think I even said it a couple of times, it's like, we're not building yet. And then there's like a pull back a little bit.

It's like, we're just keep, we're pulling it back a little bit more, pulling it back before we release. Yeah, and I was just like very confident that that's where we were supposed to go.

When you guys think about people using this as a soundtrack to their secret place, I mean, how do you see yourself using it and How like what are some ideas of how you could see?

people actually having this be a good foundation or launchpad for their connection to the Lord I Think that's something that's so beautiful about this man moment and I want to just quick go back to honoring Mark is that because Mark is so attuned to what the Lord wants to do in the room prophetically and is one who walks in such humility to the image that Josh gave because you're able to you were able to lead us with such almost like some simplicity and clarity of not straying from the image that Josh gave we were able to almost diversify our sound even more and play such unique prophetic gifts and in partnership with the Lord because I feel like the direction that we had was so narrow and we were also Locked in and ready to go burning for what this image was.

I felt like like there was so much that people in our community were grabbing onto or were looking at what we were experiencing from a different lens because of the beauty of the diversity of sound that was happening, but that kept the singular focus on the Lord and the door, and my heart in that moment was in a place of intercession. intercession. And when I think about people listening to this moment, I think of intercession. And there's so much joy attached to this moment, whenever I think about it, even as people are talking. I'm just filled with joy. I just want to laugh. Because as we're approaching the door,as we're seeing this veil torn, as we're running towards the throne room, I'm thinking of the nations that are attached. to the sound behind the door.

And I'm thinking of the sound that's coming from all corners of the earth. And in joy, I am wanting to enter into intersession for those that don't know him because they're the sound that's behind the door.

And this wasn't even a scripture that we were talking about, or that we had landed on. But as everyone's been talking, I've been thinking about um the spirit and the bride say come and I think that there is so much beauty as we wait for the Lord's return I think about this moment and it's almost like Lord until you come we're coming up to you and so I see this song being this moment being an invitation for intercession but but also almost this like Maranatha cry of, Lord, you're Emmanuel here with us, but your throne room that once was so far away when I didn't know you is now so close.

And I'm reminded of it through the musicianship that's happening in this moment. - Let's go. - How do you, that was so powerful on us. - I know, I was gonna sit in that for a second. - I know. Anybody else have anything that you're like, man, I see it being used in this way?

I just keep hearing freedom. - Yeah. - It's like, it's like do you want freedom?

And it's like a soundtrack to the journey. - Yes. - It's like there's, it's like, I feel like every time I've like struggled with something, there's so much tension in the like want for the freedom,

but you don't know how to get there. And it's like, it's like, I think we like play that. - Yes. - And there's like, we play the tension and then we like, we play out like, what it looks like to walk in the freedom.

And like, to choose it. - Wow. Yeah, I feel like there's a lot that could be unlocked. Yes, even when I think about this team and I think of your different stories and the freedom you guys have experienced and the calls on your life to bring freedom and break chains for people,

I'm like yeah that makes a lot of sense that this song would be potent with freedom. even though we weren't even going after freedom but it's the fruit of it because it's what he's done in you and we reproduce our stories through our instruments and so I love that mark I think at the time of the moment and then even now what I think of is that the Lord with this it's gonna be an encounter for people who have

walked through like loss and grief and I think of like the scripture of like the Lord has written eternity in our hearts and the the joyful anticipator of being with him face to face and in his glory like in that way that is like I I know and I see in part but someday I will know in full and I think as I was kind of in like the set that was like the people that were kind of like on my heart as I was like

thinking about this is going to be something that changes the soundtrack for that season of grief. And it's going to be the sounds of heaven that are light and joy and restoration and like fullness of his glory for people.

to encounter like a different sound that is not like the pulling down of like what we experience on earth, but it's this lifting up to like the one your heart desires.

The one who's like your heart knows him well. And just the anticipation of joining that and I don't know.

I just Yeah, I feel like that's what my heart starts to like Agree with that it would be this like joyful soundtrack for people who are Leaning in the secret place even though they've experienced something Painful And it's there isn't a painful soundtrack for that.

It's the sound of head it's the sound of his glory and his Just the fullness of who he is Yeah,

it's kind of what I think yeah, like the Lord can encounter people in that way Yeah, Lord, we just say that we We thank you for stories of freedom that you're going to give expression to as those that are in tension, listen to this moment, and Lord we thank you for taking us up. We want to know you,

we want to love you, we want to know that what Jesus you did, you sat down. because you finished the work and Lord we thank you that you tore the veil like Danny played we thank you that you made a way So that we could draw near and that you're beckoning many To come up here.

And so Lord we thank you for this moment being multiplied in that In Jesus name everybody said amen Heaven's door.

Let's go. That's a wrap you guys!