Family Service punch cards are designed to serve as a catalyst for families to continue growing in following Jesus together! There are four sections to complete that include memorizing Bible verses, monthly attendance at Family Service, monthly challenges and wild card opportunities. Each family has a chance to win a prize at the end of the season based on the number of sections they have completed together.


Come to Family Service with a memory verse memorized as a family to receive a “Memory Verse” punch on your family punch card! Click the button below to view the memory verses for this season!


Throughout the season, families can complete challenges together for their punch cards! With each challenge you complete, be sure to capture a photo of your family in order to receive your punch at the next Family Service. Check here each month to see the new challenge!

FEBRUARY: Each family member asks Holy Spirit what He wants them to do that day! At the end of the day, share how it went!

Capture a photo of your family completing a wild card opportunity to receive a “Wild Card” punch on your family punch card at the next Family Service! A “Wild Card” punch can be used in place of any incomplete punches in other sections (memory verse, attendance, challenge). The Wild Card opportunities this season are:

  • attend a Prayer Room set as a family

  • win a game at Family Service

  • bring a friend/family to Family Service

  • serve at a ministry/non-profit in our city (ex. Feed My Starving Children)